Just Write

One of the most infuriating moments I’ve had so far is when someone says “just write”. Like it is that simple.

All you need to do is sit back. Breathe. Write. Move over King, side step please Gaiman, time to sit down Cornwell. I am going to write and take over the bookshelves because I am going to ‘just write’.

This got me, I hate to say, rather angry. Like an internal carnal level of anger that was aimed at the screen. I was trying to write about a situation I had been given in an evening creative writing class set in a supermarket. I have no qualms admitting this, I was struggling. Could not see through the fog. Which amusingly became mixed in to how the story then started.

But to the advice of “just write”. Write what? A character, a place, a mood? It reminded me of that useless phrase some may say to those stressing or worse. “Just clear your head”. Having had a friend be told this repeatedly, if someone is struggling mentally, PLEASE do not use it. Help them to clear, but don’t use it as a way to get them to do it (show don’t tell right?).

So, I was sat there, not very happy with my favourite person, trying to write on my tablet. Typically, the more I tried, the less that got written. Zero words in fact. Actually, my word count went down as I didn’t like what was already there.

But here is the annoying thing. A 1st draft will always be successful.  Its primary goal is to be completed. That’s it. It can be awful. It can be completely rewritten. One draft I recently did was changed from 3rd to 1st person as I realised it needed to be that way to have impact. But the 1st draft was done. Had I not completed it, I would not have created the yet undiscovered masterpiece that is now on the 3rd edit. I can hear the awards knocking on my door, or that is my dog wanting more food.

So what is it that I’m trying to babble on about. Well, the advice that annoyed so much that lovely evening, is one I wish to suggest you have as YOUR mantra. Not to say to others as you may have a pen, or worse, thrown in your direction. But have it as your own post-it note, the scribble you have in your notes or just let one of the inner voices use when writing.

In the end, something will be there. Once a dialogue has been drafted or a scene pieced together, you can then, and probably only then, begin to see what works. What phrase brings it together, did the twist really stay hidden, or have you changed something part way through that needs changing at the beginning.

The obviously way to end this would be to say to you to get out there and write. I won’t.

BUT, what I will say, is when you have an idea, play with it. Put something down. Don’t worry about what it will be in the 1st draft. Having a 1st draft is more than most ideas come to (Do not look into the statistics, it is worrying).

Enjoy your stories.

Book Review: 16 Ways to Defend A Walled City

This book is the first in The Siege Trilogy by author K. J. Parker (pseudonym for Tom Holt). It follows the main character Orhan, by trade an Engineer who was a former slave that rose up the ranks to be within the military of the Robur Empire. It is a historical fiction based on the Ancient world shown by the style of the high walls of the cities and different aspects of the society.

There are some interesting discussions and critiques that argue against this book and I will explore these later, but first I wish to explore why I enjoyed this book by K. J. Parker.

The book follows the engineer Orhan, his backstory is that he is from a now small group of people and is now part of the Robur Empire. Once a slave, he worked and was seen to have many talents (picked up multiple languages while also being a keen reader of history) which has allowed him to rise up to Colonel in the Engineers. This personal development has meant he sees the Empire, and those that live in it, in a different way. I really enjoyed learning about the world that Parker has created. The ways that there is a clear split in those who are ‘milkface’ like Orhan and the ruling elite, ‘Blueskins’. This is also one of the critiques I will explore later though.

The forced situation on the characters showed a range of developments in understanding how to keep the city together, the different groups in the city (Greens and Blues or example) along with the inherent racial segregation also present in the city.

What I really enjoyed in this book, was the focus on detail through the review of an engineer when looking at the way to run a city. From the point of view of a colonel who has needed to find solutions and ways around problems for a long time and not simply follow the doctrine of the Empire. I felt this gave it a real world connection to the many differences between how people think things should be run vs the ways this actually get done in the field. Especially when looking at a large empire. Even to explore the way that he has found ways around an ineffective economic system to support his own men.

For me, the story kept me considering where it was going to go next. As the narrator of the story is the main character, there are moments where he shares his own brilliance and describes why he is brilliant in coming up with plans. Along with also explaining that there were times, he was just lucky or made mistakes. I did enjoy this aspect of the story telling.

There was no specific scene that I found was the was the ‘best’, but this is because the tone that Parker used throughout kept the overall method of the narration with detail in line with the rest. (I did enjoy the detail though that Parker used to describe how event unfolded with a clear focus on consequences in real terms – bouncing balls as one example without giving away spoilers) What I also mean by this, is when scenes were being explored I really enjoyed the tone and use of sarcasm and the way that the story developed with the twists used in each. This is also shown in the many places I found myself laughing along with it.

So. Like any book review, this now brings me to the parts that I did not like and it will be here that I wish to explore the criticisms of the book. When you look at the reviews made by different people, although this is from my quick review of comments it does appear to be a minority of those who have read it. But this does not make their points any less, or any more, valid.

The use of ‘milkface’ and ‘blueskin’ to create a divide an highlight the segregation within the society that Parker has created has been criticised in some ways. Reading it as a reader of the book, I did enjoy the ways that this was shown. With the way that a person who was not with the ruling class of society, to even have signs that stated only Robur were allowed in places, showed the segregation and the ludicrousness of having a ‘milkface’ be the one who is organising the protection of the city, yet can’t use a water point that he has helped keep safe. For some, this use of segregation has be criticised due to the way that Parker has, as one review on Goodreads put it ‘by making white people the victims’ (Do look at the review, it is very well detailed and an interesting read to highlight many points in the book. I agreed with a lot of what was said and it is an interesting point about how fiction and the world of today interacts. Sadly, some have chosen to target their review in the comments section. Not a good example of open discussion about a book.). Having a book with segregation is not something an author should shy away from if they are using it in their world they have created. But it is a thought process that will make some readers consider the use of it.

Another criticism is the use of sexism in the society Parker has created, again these criticisms are using a 21st century view on equality, but through the eyes of historical fiction, women were seen differently and to hide this fact would be to rewrite History. As a former History Teacher, I am never a fan of trying to make History different to what it was.

One point that is an interesting one, there is one moment where homosexuality is mentioned. This is shown to reflect the Robur (ruling group) to look down at the ‘barbarians’. The point to me was another way to highlight the narrow thinking of many of the ‘blueskins’ and elitism in the ruling class. However, sarcasm in voice, and sarcasm in writing are different things. The tone has been mentioned by some as a was this needed view. I guess it depends on the mindset of the reader. For me that is how I read it and the general view of those who ruled the Empire made the question of what Orhan was to do with trying to save the inhabitants from those outside even more of a conundrum. Something I thought added to the intrigue of the story.

Overall, I really enjoyed the book. All stories can bring questions to your mind, and in some ways the way Parker made me think about them through the eyes of the narrator, (Should women be used to fight in the defence of their city when certain doom could come if they don’t?) was a good idea to think about the roles people have in this situations. I understand the critiques people have made of the book and like all reviews of anything you read, they were worth discussing. Personally, I enjoyed the book, the points that some have made are definitely a consideration when reading, but it is historical fiction based on the ancient world, things were different then.

The humour and pace worked well together and I did like the way the book ended. I will be looking to read book 2 of this trilogy and have high expectations based on the first one.

#sixwordstory joys

I am new to trying to be a writer. I say trying, as I definitely don’t feel like I am one.

I have thought about stories, made lots of different stories when I was a teacher, explored and supported students to create their own. Shared some stories ideas to help discuss. The best way to develop ideas is to also spend time talking about books. What I have read amd what others have read. I will admit, my own read pile is nothing compared to some people I know, who destroy books before I have even got through the first chapter.

But the one thing that has really helped get my brain into think about a story, about what to include and the harder one, what not to include, is making six word stories.

I first saw this as a ‘thing’ when I found a competition a while back. But I have since found so many amazing people sharing images to inspire others to share their own six word story. The writing community is, again, amazing for those who want to explore the idea of writing. Purely for the joy of doing it.

Being able to read through the different answers is always hilarious, sad and in general, fun to see where others went. Some times there is an obvious theme that many see in the picture (not a bad thing). But read through and you will find some unique gems in there too.

So if you are scrolling through and looking for inspiration, or just to get your own mind thinking for a warm up exercise when spending your time writing. Have a look and get to thinking.

Don’t be fooled though. This is not some little thing to do and be a stretching exercise. Making a good six word story is not just something before doing something ‘better’. The skill for a good one is just like a skill for writing flash or an epic trilogy. Like it is for those who do sprinting or marathon running.

Similar but different.

Have a good Sunday and enjoy writing.

The Lost Ones

Today is one of those days where I am sat here enjoying the change of pace in life. I ignore the burning questions on money, future career and all those big ones that would make any other day seem like a horror movie. Life post-teaching does have some interesting points to consider, but being able to sit down on a half day, and write, has to be one of the positives from the decision to focus on mental health and a general work life balance.

I was given a 4 hour shift today, so I have worked and can do no more there without getting a different job. I like to think that I have been given the gift of time. The best example of me using this phrase was recently when we went to see a film at the cinema, planned the evening around sitting there watching, enjoying the show. But then the bulb blew up when we were 10 minutes into Avatar. The weekly shop was done on this gained time! Even got to bed early that night and woke up feeling like I was ready for the weekend. Granted, when we went to see it at a later date that ‘gained time’ was technically lost, but who actually thinks such frivolities . For the choice to see one film, I got two good nights of achievements.

As I am sure you can tell, I am using this time effectively today. Whilst trying to finish the 2nd edit of a story that is proving more joy than normal as I am changing it from 3rd to 1st person. There is also the potential to finish the 2 parts of The Bus Driver so I can declare the draft finished. While also considering a short story inspired from an advertisement board that has been left for a long time, probably from before Covid (at least). There is something about an advert of a happy event and the growing of wildlife around it that sparks an earie idea.

Despite these options, and the joy of the cuteness of my dog sleeping behind me on the bed, I am most bothered by those stories that I know I have lost. Not that these would have won awards, become a best seller or anything (Well they might, is good to dream of such things).

I am sure I am not the only one, you are sleeping at night and a dream comes to you, . This idea of a new story is not just interesting but creates a buzz of excitement and wonder. You spend ages thinking about it, you might even go through subtle plot points, character’s background or just a general layout that will keep it together to make sense.

Then it happens. You wake up. Either in the middle of the night or the morning.

‘Always keep paper and pen by your bed to write ideas down when they come’

This, and similar, is some of the advice I have read or heard that all writers should do to help develop their craft. Well this is great, as long as you can reproduce the ideas that you have had on the paper in front of you.

When I have looked at some of these I wonder what they could have been. Amazed at how when I woke up it was there. When I tried to write them down it seemed to be disappearing the more I typed it on my phone.

However, when you are half awake, frantically trying to write down an idea that is in your mind. The result is not something that is reflected from the original idea.

So to all of those ideas, passing thoughts, damaged pieces of paper or broken phones. The lost ones may have gone, but the original organ that made them will hopefully bring them back. Just need to not be distracted, focus on one task at a time and let each story develop to what will hopefully be a finished draft.

The great saying that has become my mantra thanks to my lovely wife, ‘Just write’. Once that starts the rest will follow.

Have a good day all 🙂

Book Review: The Goblin Emperor

The Goblin Emperor is about the young half goblin, half elf called Maia. He is found living with a horrible and abusive cousin far away in exile to the rest of his family. Very quickly his life changes when he learns the horrible news that his father, and half-brothers, were all killed in a tragic airship accident. Leaving him to ascend the throne of Emperor of the Elflands. The book is written by the American author Katherine Addison and has numerous awards and nominations including the 2015 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel.

What I really enjoyed about this book is how the main character, Maia, has to try to take on the new role that he has had zero training for. This even starts with his own understanding of what has happened to his father and now, to him. The use of writing the story from the 1st person really helped to connect to the troubles, worries and confusion that he had to face at every turn in each day. Even the trouble of trying to find clothes, sleeping or a simple moment of quiet.

The story develops really well with a range of different storylines that are melded together to keep the flow going through the whole book. The focus of the book is on Maia and the court of the Emperor with him trying to weave through the twists and turns he has found himself in. Throughout the book, it is very clear, which adds to the story, how he is in almost everyway unprepared for the job, and even unwilling to take the role. The disunity of his family and the struggles he faces, with those around him trying to keep him in the role of ‘serenity’ keeps the story flowing and willing the character to find a way to move on to the next.

Of all the characters in the story, I really enjoyed Csevet Aisava, Maia’s secretary. Following his attempts to support Maia as Emperor, his own back story and the insightful knowledge he brings to the Emperor. This was great for me as I could learn so much about the world Addison has created. How different elves can rise up in the empire, the history of the Elflands empire and the relations with other empires. The history and depth of the world which has been created was amazing to read and at each turn of pageantry or awkwardness kept me reading.

Overall, I really recommend this book for those who like fantasy stories, it blends really well the story of a young disliked son who is forced into a position that they are not ready for. How the political system of the empire was mixed with those who want to support his place and those who question if he should be there. It keeps progressing with new points and characters that will keep you guessing with what they are really doing. The awards that this book has received clearly show how many see it as a must read.

You can find the author, Katherine Addison, at her website https://www.katherineaddison.com/ where you will see other pieces of her work.

New Year, New Target…

There is always that voice that can encourage, there is also that voice that does the opposite. I think the best way that I have ever seen this explored would be in Disney Pixar’s Inside Out. The characters there seem to explain very well how our brains can work. Yes, I am sure there is a more sophisticated way of making it, but I like that one. This might be true for some more than others. But for me it definitely appears to hit the nail on the head so to speak.

Exciting news, today I took my dog out for a walk around a place where he loves in the local area of North Somerset. Smells everything as he is inquisitive about all things. Runs through all the puddles, yet is scared of going in the water it seems despite him being a water dog bread, apparently. He also wants to play with dogs, but is nervous when a new one that he does not know appears, or worse, a male dog appears with all their bits and he is barking before they have even appeared (He has lost his but the defence/nervousness is still there).

I often wonder what characters he has inside his head. Are any of them similar to mine or yours?

But I love this Combe, not only as it was an escape for me during the first year I moved here, it has also been when walking there that characters have appeared to me. This is then followed by a balancing act between poo bags, dog treats and a fairly hefty (please don’t tell him I called him that!) lab-golden cross as I try to remember the wonderful ground breaking character. Lets just say I have often been found talking into WhatsApp leaving a voice message to myself in between whistles and such when he pulls me around to smell under a log his missed. Such messages always get a giggle when I listen to them later. How a character is being described, their hair, or an event that came to mind, followed by a loud whistle or simply ‘****’ when a squirrel appears and his instinct kicks in to chase.

So it is probably apt that as I am writing this the montage music from Rocky IV has just started playing. Could there be a better uplifting song to overcome a challenge? Possibly Rocky I’s ‘Eye of a Tiger’ or the Hercules Disney tune of ‘I will go the distance’. The New Year is here and after last year’s wobble (as it is officially being called), I am still attempting to do the writing thing. Encouragingly, I have already thought through, written out and currently editing a near 5k short story. Post teaching life has not collapsed the universe and I am working in a local retail shop considering what to do next while thinking through story ideas between selling appliances.

I am not a fan normally of picking a date on the calendar as a ‘Day 1’, this is mainly because I have had too may of them with my never ending disagreement with the scales over nearing 2 decades now. But this year feels different, probably a reaction to now firmly being past the mid thirties mark, but alas. If my lovely dog can still pull me back to smell a leaf he missed, or enjoy the new smells after it has rained, then maybe this year will see the writing attempt go somewhere and a new target is worth thinking about.

The targets I have chosen this time I think are reasonable. Win the lottery, so that should be easy. Have one piece published somewhere (anywhere, I think is open enough to happen), along with self publish something, which means finishing either an idea that is long enough to be called a novella, or have a collection of flash fiction pieces that are vaguely linked to be collated together to be worthy of charging someone 99p. ‘The Novel’ is still being played with, but making that a target would hyperdrive the ADHD I doubt I would touch the computer with procrastination.

Therefore, bring on the New Year, today is the 5th and there has been progress. Plus the dog will be sleeping for a bit longer after exploring the Combe so I should try to be productive with this time.

p.s. I might just take down Christmas first, procrastination is the key to progress isn’t it?

Happy New Year all 🙂