Published Work

Welcome to the page for published work of S. J. Lister. Here you can find links to all the work he has either had published or self-published.

The author has created this with the following sound idea:

if you build it, they will come

The Origin of the Lemon (April 2023) – So happy to have a piece I wrote during #JustwriteNovember accepted for the @whimsicalpress Seasons anthology. It was amazing to work with Lily to have my piece added. Still available for digital copies too.

I Hate the Moon (March 2023) – An amazing for a zine magazine. Proud to have my piece become a part of the first edition from @what_theme_zine on Twitter. A copy of the piece can be found on my blog.

Abigail: What can we leave behind? (2nd February 2023) – This can be found on Amazon as a one off purchase or via KindleUnlimited. It is a story about a girl called Abigail and her search to find answers about an unknown unknown in the world. She is exploring the idea of being able to leave something behind for others to use.

Save Point (23 January 2023) – This is a piece I came up with during an evening writing course I took at Bristol University. I attempted to create a piece that was set around dialogue.  It can be found on the Trash to Treasure lit website.

More coming soon 🙂