Beginning the world

In a quiet, vacant part of space, there is a brightly shining sun. Using the scale of comparison, by those who can see such things, it is a rather small burning ball of hydrogen with a mixture of other things that can be seen when they come to the surface in an array of colours. Some have suggested it was an early attempt by the Gods to get objects going around in the same direction. Others consider it was a place for those deemed worthy to be placed away from others. Although the opposite has also been suggested by those who might feel this world is more of a punishment than salvation.

Around this sun, often called Miriam, spins a planet. It spins happily, if planets could have feelings apart from dizziness and the mild feeling of being sick. (Why else would volcanoes explode). But on this planet is all the known life that exists around the sun. The only other known celestial bodies is the 6 faced moon and 3 comets.

For about 450 generations, the dominanting belief has been the moon has 6 faces, each one coming out on a different night. This has, naturally, been analysed to have some meaning to those born under each face. For many have tried to predict what they may be when they are older. With many leaders across the world being born under a late summer moon the idea has stuck. Few have suggested that the pressing winter fuel and cold nights have had a notion to be a cause, but it has never taken with the masses. Needless to say, children of the ruling families have often been born at that time, and first appear after the 3rd face, where the crater is seen at its fullest. Symbolizing the great impact a child might have on this world.

Within this small system, there flies 5 comets, although only 3 have been correctly identified. Some have also tried to track these in the fear of predicting when the gods have doomed the planet to end and collide together, killing all life as it is known. The closest estimations are, not soon.

The original investigation came when a Prince had heard it might be the next time the comet called ‘the Shining light of the Mother’ was set to collide. Using his wealth, he set up what was to be called the Watchers of the Sky. From their work, mostly from old scrolls as opposed to tracking the stars, they told the Prince the comet would come by in 2 and a half years. The main reason behind this, was not for him to know how long he would live for, nor was it to create a lasting institution. But it was to find out whether he should marry the heiress of a neighbouring kingdom or flee with his childhood sweetheart, risking his life of luxury and ignoring his duty.

Being a Prince, he heard what he wanted to hear, so left his bride who was said to have a beauty that eternally matched the size of the Kingdoms wealth. In the end, his actions may have made her beauty frown slightly, but the Assassins Network was born from the eloping to find him and bring him back to to deal the Kings revenge for the his public snub. The Prince did not last until the next coming of the shining light of the mother, which did not end the world as he thought.

Despite this failed attempt of counting the stars, it made more people wish to track the wonderous things to see what could be predicted. This, at the very least, found that the ‘Shining light of the Mother’ flew past exactly every 12 years. Setting up the foundations for an agreed calendar that would eventually take hold for many.